The second Lead! Specific Learning Disorders no more! Trasnational meeting took place in IASI, Romania, in 29-30th of March, 2021. Isji Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean was the host organization.
The partners involved in the project are: Enfor, project leader, the IC 2″Giovanni Paolo II” of Policoro, Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean of Iasi (Romania), Lifelong Learning Platform of Brussels (Belgium) and the University of Valladolid (Spain) .
We are pleased to announce that:
1. The project platform will be finalised soon!
2. We have already begun pilot testing with a small group of students, with the aim of reaching 300+ students
3. We will soon begin our training-of-trainers to ensure a professional standard in trainers outside the consortium of the program. This will aid in reaching a wider audience
We are excited to see a strong progression in our ambitious and international project